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B2B Marketing In Social Media
31 Jan

B2B Marketing In Social Media

vidCampaign Social media platforms, social media marketing strategy, Marketing Strategy, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Video Email Marketing, B2B marketers , services based businesses, business canvas model

The Social media platforms like Facebook were launched in order to connect the college & school students to meet each other. Later when the companies realized the popularity in Social media and the amazing potential of reaching the exact target audience using social media they started incorporating social media marketing strategy in the overall marketing mix.

Based on the recent study from CMI, over 71% of the B2B marketers use more content in the Marketing Strategy. Content may be in the form of photos, videos or written but it helps to teach the target audience about their company profile, products or services they do where it helps to create a brand image in an innovative way.

Content Marketing is essential to the Social Media as it creates new, low-cost avenues for promotion. Based on the business goals or mission the social media channels vary accordingly. For instance, if the marketer wants to share info about the technological aspects of the business with fellow professionals, it can be done by creating or joining the LinkedIn group that is related to the business. As you see content plays a major role in social media marketing, the importance of a scheduled and systematic content generation is critical for business houses to attract the audience. We have been successful in the past few months generating content using the business canvas model where we develop campaigns to add value to the product based or services based businesses.